Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Bobby Tarantino II by Logic Mixtape Review

Bobby Tarantino II - Logic



Unoriginal and lacking creativity, Bobby Tarantino II is as forgettable as the original.

Logic's mixtapes are so much worse than his albums. On this mixtape, he constantly sounds like he's trying to imitate Kendrick Lamar or Travis Scott to an annoying degree. Which is confusing, because he already has his own style during his albums, so I don't know why'd he'd feel the need to copy other artists at this stage. Either way, it doesn't end well.

Everyday is the worst offender on this album. It sounds like he's trying to copy a YouTube rapper, which like... why? His vocals are almost unlistenable, and combined with an obnoxiously annoying chorus, is just terrible.

There's a couple decent tracks on this thing, but for the most part, this project is nothing but a forgettable project on Logic's discography.

Favorite Tracks - Warm It Up, 44 More

Least Favorite Tracks - Everyday, BoomTrap Protocol

Thank you all for reading! Let me know what you think, and as always, this is Kenny Haller, over and out!