Friday, February 2, 2018

Culture II by Migos Review

Culture II by Migos Review




It is almost impossible for a 24 song album by anyone to be good. It's impossible for a 24 song album by Migos to be good. Please do not listen to this album for over an hour and a half. This album isn't even worth a half hour. Please do not waste your time.

If you still for some strange reason feel obligated to listen to this project, I'll tell you all the songs I think were mediocre or better, okay? That way you don't have to waste as much time on a terrible album, and can get right to the listenable stuff.

BBO, Flooded, Motorsport, Notice Me

...that's it. I will never listen to any of the other songs again, at least voluntarily. And with the exception of Motorsport I don't really want to hear any song on this album, ever again. Please go read my other reviews to find a better album to listen to instead of listening to this.

Favorite Track - Motorsport
Tolerable Tracks - BBO, Flooded, Notice Me
Least Favorite Tracks - Walk It Talk It, everything else

Thank you all for reading, and until next time, this is Kenny Haller, over and out!