Thursday, February 1, 2018

All Melody by Nils Frahm Review

All Melody by Nils Frahm



Sometimes, instruments can express emotions better than words ever could.

Wow. I don't know where to begin with this brilliant album. Words literally can't do it justice. This is one you need to go experience for yourself to understand what I mean.

This album is sold as 12 tracks, but it's more like 1 huge piece with reoccurring themes and motifs throughout that creates an experience that I haven't had in a long time listening to music. That feeling of completeness is one that you don't get with most albums. His variety of instruments, mainly centered around keys and strings creates this transcendent sound that is perfectly captured here on this record.

There were moments that were so good I literally whispered "wow" under my breath at least half a dozen times. Ask my family, they heard it. It's really amazing how much emotion can be shown without the use of words.

This is a record you do not want to miss out on. When you have an hour and a half to work on homework or just relax, turn this album on and jus let it play. You'll be surprised how often this album is able to regain your attention and hold onto it for minutes at a time.

Favorite Tracks - Sunson, #2, Fundamental Values, Harm Hymn

Least Favorite Track - Kaleidoscope (some days but other days it's one of my favorites idk just listen                                       to everything okay thanks bye)

Thank you all for reading! Make sure to check out this album, and as always, this is Kenny Haller, over and out!