Wednesday, January 31, 2018

First Aid Kit by Ruins Review

First Aid Kit by Ruins Review



The vocals on this album are incredible. This comes as no surprise for those that are familiar with this duo's work, with the vocals and harmonies always having been the focus of their music. There's nothing bad about this record. But there's way too much of the same.

The last three songs of this project, Ruins, Ham of Her Dress, and Nothing Has To Be True, is where the group's sound really thrives. It takes you to a different place and makes you think about feelings you have locked away. This is where the album is at it's best.

The beginning and middle of this album is good too, with notable songs being Rebel Heart and Postcard. However, the album sounds all too familiar to their previous projects as well as just from song to song. Everything seems to become a drag as this part of the album goes on. While there's nothing bad about this, there's nothing really good about it either.

This album is a welcome return for the duo, but I hope in the future they adventure into more experimental places, and don't get stuck in the same old sound again.

Favorite Tracks - Ruins, Fireworks, Rebel Heart

Least Favorite Tracks - To Live A Life, My Wild Sweet Love

Thank you all for reading! And as always, this is Kenny Haller, over and out!