Ultraviolet by 3LAU
Born on Long Island, 3LAU has done what i felt was impossible with this record; Make a full length house album enjoyable. It's a lot harder than someone would think, especially since I get sick of the same style of EDM after a few songs. So the fact that 3LAU can keep things fresh to me is something that is noteworthy, and very much a positive for this record.
I absolutely adore the song Touch. It's infectiously catchy. Every part of this song will get stuck in my head and have me humming it for days after listening to it. It's just fantastic EDM music, and a song everyone should listen to.
Worlds Away is another song worth mentioning. Emma Hewitt delivers a great vocal performance on this track, and the every musical decision in this song feels calculated and executed quite well.
Now, for the not so good side of this album. Even though i said this album is enjoyable, that doesn't make it memorable. And besides the two tracks mentioned, everything else is just decent on this record. I commend him for changing techniques and not letting the music get stale, but it comes at a cost, as the other genres he reaches into just come off as decent and nothing special.
Favorite Tracks: Touch, Worlds Away
Least Favorite Tracks: You Want More, Fire
Thank you all for reading! Let me know what you guys think, and as always, this is Kenny Haller, over and out!
I absolutely adore the song Touch. It's infectiously catchy. Every part of this song will get stuck in my head and have me humming it for days after listening to it. It's just fantastic EDM music, and a song everyone should listen to.
Worlds Away is another song worth mentioning. Emma Hewitt delivers a great vocal performance on this track, and the every musical decision in this song feels calculated and executed quite well.
Now, for the not so good side of this album. Even though i said this album is enjoyable, that doesn't make it memorable. And besides the two tracks mentioned, everything else is just decent on this record. I commend him for changing techniques and not letting the music get stale, but it comes at a cost, as the other genres he reaches into just come off as decent and nothing special.
Favorite Tracks: Touch, Worlds Away
Least Favorite Tracks: You Want More, Fire
Thank you all for reading! Let me know what you guys think, and as always, this is Kenny Haller, over and out!