Friday, February 23, 2018

You Need To Listen To Ricochet by Haux and Silent Movies by Aquilo

Ricochet by Haux


Oh my goodness does this song hit you hard. It's all just so natural and heartbreaking. It's amazing it such a pure minimalist way and I absolutely love it.

"If I'm the rock,
You're the ricochet."

Haux is an amazing artist and this song is absolutely worth it, so make sure to give it a listen now or on my playlist at 7 that you can find here. Let me know what you think!

Silent Movies - Aquilo


I've loved Aquilo every since I first heard Silhouette, and my love has only grown with time. That being said, Silent Movies is very different than Silhouette, which you will most definitely hear if you take a listen.

You can feel the change when you make the connection of a silent movie to his feeling of loneliness he expresses on this record. It's really heartfelt, and for a lot of us, it hits close to home. Give this one a listen now or wait until 7 to hear both of these songs plus many more here!

Thank you all for reading! And as always, this is Kenny Haller, over and out!