Thursday, February 8, 2018

Microshift by Hookworms Review

Microshift - Hookworms



This album had my undivided attention as soon as the first song begun. Just listen to the weird, robotic start of Negative Space. I could not have turned this album off if I wanted to. That's how much I wanted to hear more of this album from minute one.

The first 3 tracks on this record, Negative Space, Static Resistance, and Ullswater, give the listener so much to listen to that it's a joyous start to this record for the listener. They really do a fantastic job at drawing the audience into this record, and keeping them from wandering away from it.

Opener, my favorite track on this record, takes you through an 8+ minute journey that's a joy to listen to. It has so many different parts and pieces to it that come together into this grand song that keeps changing and keeps the listener engaged and, at least I, in awe of it.

How do you keep your audience from wandering away from your record in the 2nd half, though? That's easy, just put a bunch of loud dissonant noises in a 2 minute song and then abruptly end it. That's exactly what happens in Boxing Day. And guys, it totally works and is amazing in it's own right. I've listened to it numerous times just to try and decipher what's happening in it, and it's just brilliant.

There's not a bad song on this record, every song is good and a lot of songs are amazing works of art that everyone should listen to. Do yourself a favor and listen to this one.

Favorite Tracks - Opener, Static Resistance, Negative Space, Shortcomings

Least Favorite Track - Each Time We Pass

Make sure to give this album a listen! And as always, this is Kenny Haller, over and out!